黑龙江银行招聘考试网提供以下银行招聘试题资料信息:中国银行招聘笔试题解析 Even though life is starting to get back,更多关于银行招聘考试,中国银行笔试解析,银行招聘试题资料的内容,请关注黑龙江银行招聘考试网/黑龙江人事考试网!更多备考资料可关注【微信客服:huatu170】 微信公众号:【hljhtjy】以及备考交流群【690545134】
26. Even though life is starting to get back to normal, she’s still at home a lot more than she( ) be.
A. was used to
B. used to
C. uses to
D. use to
【答案】B。“即使生活已经恢复正常,但是,她仍旧比以前待在家中的时间长。”考察固定搭配,used to do 过去常常做某事,只有 B 选项符合。A 选项 be used to doing sth.:习惯于做某事。CD 形式不对。故本题正确答案选 B。
27. The news research is a first step toward figuring out why air quality disparities persist in the U.S., and how changes to pollution regulations could ( ) those inequities.
A. withdraw
B. eliminate
C. cancel
D. Facilitate
【答案】B。“该新闻研究是弄清为何美国的空气质量差异仍然存在,以及如何改变污染法规才能消除这些差异的第一步。”A 选项:撤回、取消;B 选项:消除;C 选项:取消;D 选项:促进。ACD 都不能和 inequity 搭配使用。故本题正确答案选 B。
28. Norway is decision to ( ) its contact tracing app came after the country’s data protection watchdog objected to the app’s collection of location data.
A. highlight
B. suspend
C. maintain
D. establish
【答案】B。“挪威决定暂停其联系人追踪应用,此前该国数据保护机构反对该应用收集位置数据。”object to:反对。A 选项:突出、强调;B 选项:延缓、暂停;C 选项:继续、维持;D 选项:建立。根据句意,只有 B 项符合。故本题正确答案选 B。
29. School and higher education institutions across the county are grappling with ( ) to best reopen in the midst of a public health crisis, whether that means in-person classes, online or through a mix of both.
A. what
B. whether
C. how
D. why
【答案】C。“全县的学校和高等教育机构都在努力解决如何在公共卫生危机期间妥善开学的问题,是通过面对面上课,在线上课,还是两者兼而有之。”how to do sth:如何做某事,ABD 不符合句意。故本题正确答案选 C。
30. The U.S. Postal Service has had financial problems for years, It lost $9 billion last year. It’s not supported by dollars, it’s ( ) by postage and services.
A. donated
B. funded
C. relieved
D. characterized
【答案】B。“美国邮政服务公司(U.S. Postal Service)多年来一直存在财务问题,去年亏损 90 亿美元。它不是由美元支持的,而是由邮费和服务费为其提供资金。”A 选项:捐赠;B 选项:提供资金;C 选项:解除、减轻;D 选项:以…为特点的。故本题正确答案选 B。
以上是Even though life is starting to get back to normal, she’s still at home a lot more than she( ) be.的全部内容,更多黑龙江银行招聘考试信息敬请加入黑龙江华图微信公众号(hljhtjy),及关注黑龙江银行招聘网/黑龙江人事考试网。