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Passage 1
New research from Cornerstone On Demand and Harvard Business School suggests thatrearranging desks or sitting next to someone with a complementary work style can be acost-effective way to inject energy and efficiency into the workday.
We may be more satisfied with our jobs than we were a decade ago—at least according toGallup's research. But employee engagement and retention continue to be among the top challengecompanies face around the world, per a report from Deloitte on global human resource trends.
That's because disengaged workers come with a hefty price tag. Gallup estimates that the U.S.economy loses up to $550 billion per year when productivity flags as a result of unhappyemployees.
In what they describe as the first study of "spatial management," the researchers analyzeddata from the more than 2,000 workers at a large technology company with several locationsacross the U.S. and Europe over two years.
They discovered that seating the right types of workers together led to increased productivityand profits. The proper proximity, they write, "has been shown to generate up to a 15% increase inorganizational performance. For an organization of 2,000 workers, strategic seating planningcould add an estimated $1 million per annum to profit."
Their analysis measured performance as well as a definitive metric for "spillover" for eachemployee—the term the researchers used to measure the combined performance of everyoneseated around a given employee.
The study looked at three types of employees: "Productive," "Generalists," and "Quality"workers. The researchers defined productive workers as very productive but lacking in quality.
Quality workers produce superior quality but aren't as productive. And generalists are average in
both areas.“If you sit a strong and a weak performer next to each other, the weaker employee performsmuch better, and the stronger employee's performance doesn't decline much at all," Housman tellsFast Company. He advises lower performers to try and sit next to strong performers.
1. The word "flag" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to: ( ).
A. mark
B. diminish
C. increase
D. signal
【答案】B。定位到第二段 Gallup estimates that the U.S. economy loses up to $550 billionper year when productivity flags as a result of unhappy employees.根据句意“盖洛普估计,当员工不开心导致生产力下降时,美国经济每年损失高达 5500 亿美元”,可知划线词在这里描述的是生产力的下降、减弱或者衰退。选项 A:标记;选项 B:减少;选项 C:增加;选项D:标志。故本题正确答案选 B。
2. What did the research from Cornerstone On Demand and Harvard Business School findout? ( )
A. Healthy competitions among workers can boost profits.
B. Managers should carefully arrange the seats for employees.
C. Paring right types of workers together can boost productivity.
D. Workers with similar personalities should sit together.
【答案】B。根据关键词定位至首段 New research...suggests that rearranging desks or sittingnext to someone...can be a cost-effective way to inject energy and efficiency into the workday.可知得出的结论是:坐在工作风格互补的人旁边,是一种可以为工作日注入能量和效率的经济有效的方法。所以主体词应当是与“座位”有关,选项 A:员工之间的良性竞争可以提高利润,并非研究结果;选项 B:管理者应该仔细为员工安排座位,主体词表达正确;选项 C:把合适的员工放在一起可以提高生产率,看似无误,但是主体词并非是文中所提到的座位安排,这是易错项;选项 D:性格相似的员工应该坐在一起,文中提到的是相似工作风格的人,而非性格。结合选项可知 B 项表达更符合文意。故本题正确答案选 B。
3. According to the last paragraph, which of the following statement is correct? ( )
A. Positive performances have a stronger spillover than negative performances.
B. Seating has nothing to do with employees' performances.
C. The stronger employees' performances will be affected if they sit near weak performers.
D. Negative performances have a stronger spillover than positive performances.
【答案】A。定位至文中末段可知描述的是:如果你把一个表现优秀的员工和一个表现不佳的员工放在一起,较弱的员工会表现得更好,而较强的员工的表现根本不会下降太多。可得出能力较强的人可以带动身边能力较弱的人,并且自身不会受到大影响。选项 A:积极的表现比消极的表现具有更强的溢出效应,表述正确;选项 B:座位与员工的表现无关,与文意完全相反;选项 C:表现较好的员工如果坐在表现较差的员工旁边,他们的表现就会受到影响,表述与文意相反;选项 D:负面表现比正面表现具有更强的溢出效应,表述相反。故本题正确答案选 A。
4. What can be inferred from paragraph 2? ( )
A. Most employees are unhappy about their jobs.
B. Managers are trying hard to engage the workers.
C. People have higher demands for jobs today.
D. It is hard to keep the employees.
【答案】B。根据 We may be more satisfied with our jobs than we were a decade ago 可知我们对工作的满意度要比十年前的高,选项 A:当前大多数员工对自己的工作不满意,表达不符合文意。根据 But employee engagement and retention continue to be among the topchallenge companies face around the world 可知目前员工的敬业度和留任率仍然是最大的挑战之一,选项 D:留住员工很难,则是文中直接表达的内容。根据 That's because disengagedworkers come with a hefty price tag.可知原因在于员工在工作中的不投入会带来巨大的代价。再结合最后一句可知当员工不开心导致生产力下降时,经济每年损失高达 5500 亿美元。选项 B:管理者们正努力使工人们参与进来,可知是文中暗示的表达;选项 C:现在人们对工作有更高的要求,文中并未提及。故本题正确答案选 B。
5. What does "spillover" mean?( )
A. The combined performance of workers seated in a certain area.
B. The consequence of workers sitting together.
C. The performance of a worker who is surrounded by a group of employees.
D. The indirect effect of a public expenditure.
【答案】A。定位至原文段 Their analysis measured performance as well as a definitivemetric for “spillover” for each employee—the term the researchers used to measure the combinedperformance of everyone seated around a given employee.根据其所在句子结构可知,破折号之后的内容就是对 spillover 的解释说明,即“研究人员可以用这个词来衡量坐在特定员工周围的所有人的综合表现”。选项 A:坐在某一特定区域的工作人员的综合表现,表达符合文意;选项 B:员工们坐在一起的结果,表述片面;选项 C:被一群员工包围的员工的表现,表述主体错误,不是某一个人的表现,而是所有人的表现;选项 D:公共支出的间接影响,属于无中生有。故本题正确答案选 A。
以上是对企业来说,确定管理幅度需考虑下列哪些因素?( )的全部内容,更多黑龙江银行招聘考试信息敬请加入黑龙江华图微信公众号(hljhtjy),及关注黑龙江银行招聘网/黑龙江人事考试网。