黑龙江银行招聘考试网提供以下银行招聘试题资料信息:中国银行招聘笔试题解析 The U.S is slowly ( ) the sharpest econom,更多关于银行招聘考试,中国银行笔试解析,银行招聘试题资料的内容,请关注黑龙江银行招聘考试网/黑龙江人事考试网!更多备考资料可关注【微信客服:huatu170】 微信公众号:【hljhtjy】以及备考交流群【690545134】
6. The U.S is slowly ( ) the sharpest economic contraction in modern history, as parts of the country still report record spikes in corona virus cases.
A. forcing upon
B. squeezing into
C. dragging out of
D. looking out for
【答案】C。“由于美国部分地区仍在冠状病毒病例的高峰期,它正在缓缓摆脱近代史上最严重的经济萎缩”。选项 A:强迫;选项 B:挤入;选项 C:摆脱;选项 D:留心。根据句意可知补充“摆脱”更合适,故本题正确答案选 C。
7. The federal government has issued guidelines to give a 50% ( ) in a fixed time-frame for storing and transporting fruit and vegetables to prevent post-harvest losses and distress sale by farmers when prices fall.
A. benefit
B. bonus
C. allowance
D. subsidy
【答案】D。“联邦政府已经发布了在既定时间内给予水果和蔬菜的储存和运输 50%补贴的指导方针,以防止收获后的价格下跌给农民带来损失和产品滞销”。选项 A:好处、救济金;选项 B:奖金、津贴;选项 C:津贴;选项 D:补贴、补助金。故本题正确答案选 D。
8. Students-with attention ( ) or communication difficulties may not be able to focus on computer screens for significant art amounts of time.
A. disparity
B. difference
C. debt
D. deficit
【答案】D。“有注意力缺陷或者沟通困难的学生,可能无法长时间关注电脑屏幕”。选项 A:不一致;选项 B:差异;选项 C:债务;选项 D:缺陷。固定搭配 attention deficit:注意力缺陷、专注力失调。故本题正确答案选 D。
9. Researchers at Pennsylvania State University are intent on creating a robotic system that will ( ) pollinate fruit tree flowers due to threats to natural pollination worldwide.
A. artificially
B. completely
C. manually
D. synthetically
【答案】A。“由于全球自然授粉的威胁,宾夕法尼亚州立大学的研究人员正致力于创造一个机械系统,将给果树花进行人工授粉”。根据句中句意转折,可知填入的词需要与“自然授粉”形成对比。选项 A:人工地;选项 B:完全地;选项 C:手动地;选项 D:综合地,故本题正确答案选 A。
10. The decline in Germany's output last quarter, if calculated on an annual basis would( ) 34.7%.
A. count in
B. amount to
C. go up
D. aim at
【答案】B。“如果按年度计算,德国上个季度的产出相当于下降了 34.7%”。选项 A:把…计算在内;选项 B:相当于;选项 C:增长;选项 D:针对。故本题正确答案选 B。
以上是The U.S is slowly ( ) the sharpest economic contraction in modern history, as parts of the country still report record spikes in corona virus cases.的全部内容,更多黑龙江银行招聘考试信息敬请加入黑龙江华图微信公众号(hljhtjy),及关注黑龙江银行招聘网/黑龙江人事考试网。