黑龙江银行招聘考试网提供以下银行招聘试题资料信息:中国银行招聘笔试题解析 Her first call of the day is to a woman p,更多关于银行招聘考试,中国银行笔试解析 Her first call of the day is,银行招聘试题资料的内容,请关注黑龙江银行招聘考试网/黑龙江人事考试网!更多备考资料可关注【微信客服:huatu170】 微信公众号:【hljhtjy】以及备考交流群【690545134】
11. Her first call of the day is to a woman poised at the door to her apartment, debating ( ) to take hat quick walk to get groceries.
A. where
B. whether
C. how
D. what
【答案】B。“每天叫醒她的是一位站在她公寓门口的女人,讨论着是否要带着帽子快速步行去买杂货”。选项 A:地点;选项 B:是否;选项 C:如何;选项 D:什么。根据句意可知补充“是否”更能与 debating 形成语意搭配。故本题正确答案选 B。
12. Retail sales jumped 7.5% in June, giving stores and restaurants a ( ), and spending on doubled
A. drop
B. shrink
C. boost
D. budget
【答案】C。根据句意中“6 月份零售额增长了 7.5%”,可知空缺处应填入经济增长类词汇。选项 A:下跌;选项 B:缩水;选项 C:增长;选项 D:预算。根据句意可知。故本题正确答案选 C。
13. Due to the health emergency, demand is currently shrinking. This is causing an increased( ) of product in other parts of the world and the trends of a slight, but steady, decline in prices.
A. competitiveness
B. affordability
C. possibility
D. availability
【答案】D。“由于卫生紧急状态,目前需求正在变小。这引起了其他区域产品供应的增加,价格趋势也在小幅度的稳定下降”。选项 A:竞争力;选项 B:可购性、支付能力;选项 C:可能性;选项 D:可提供的。故本题正确答案选 D。
14. Never before in Germany's postwar history ( ) slumped as sharply as in the second quarter of this year.
A. the country's economy
B. the country's economy have
C. has the country's economy
D. the country's economy
【答案】C。观察题干前半句可知为倒装句,空缺处需要填入倒装语序的句子。主语为 the country's economy,所以完成时态的助动词应用 has,并提前。故本题正确答案选 C。
15. Chinese factories put together most of the world's smartphones and consumer electronics. They produce a growing ( ) of medical equipment, industrial robots and other high technology goods.
A. solution
B. chance
C. moment
D. share
【答案】D。“中国工厂组装了世界上大部分的智能手机和消费电子产品。他们生产的医疗设备、工业机器人和其他高科技产品所占的份额越来越大”。选项 A:解决方案;选项B:机会;选项 C:片刻;选项 D:份额。故结合句意可知。故本题正确答案选 D。
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