黑龙江银行招聘考试网提供以下银行招聘试题资料信息:中国银行招聘笔试题解析 Which of the following is TRUE according,更多关于银行招聘考试,中国银行笔试解析,银行招聘试题资料的内容,请关注黑龙江银行招聘考试网/黑龙江人事考试网!更多备考资料可关注【微信客服:huatu170】 微信公众号:【hljhtjy】以及备考交流群【690545134】
Passage 4
Government officials say the United States is using less energy than it has in thirty years. This was because much of the nation’s economy has been shut down by measures meant to contain the new coronavirus. The U.S. Energy Information Administration said in a report that reduced demand for coal, gasoline and jet fuel drove the decrease. The numbers were similar in many countries around the world where energy use has fallen. Those trends are expected to turn around as commercial activity restarts. But a decline in U.S. and worldwide greenhouse gas emissions is expected. Greenhouse gases are gasses in the atmosphere the trap heat and are believed to cause rising temperatures.
Overall U.S. energy usage dropped 14 percent during April compared to the same time a year earlier, the energy administration said. That is the lowest monthly level since 1989. It is also the largest decrease ever recorded since the government began collecting the data in 1973. Not all forms of energy, however, have had decreases. Natural gas usage did not follow the trend and increased by 15 percent during April. Lockdown of stay-at-home orders may have played a part in the increase. Petroleum use fell to 14.7 million barrels a day in April, down almost a third compared to the same period last year. However, demand already has rebounded after stay-at-home orders ended and large parts of the economy started moving again. People appear to be returning to their old driving habits. Petroleum use in June was back up to 17.6 million barrels a day. That number comes from the American Petroleum Institute.
However, the group noted that new drilling activity continues to be weak. Oil exploration has decreased for seven straight months as stockpiles of oil and petroleum products remain near record levels. “While we are not out of the woods yet, we do appear to be headed in the right direction,” Said Dean Foreman, the industry group’s chief economist. Coal companies are expected to have more difficulty than petroleum producers in recovering from the coronavirus crisis. Most coal produced in the U.S. is used to create electricity, but many electricity producers have switched to less costly natural gas and renewables; wind and solar.
46. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ( )
A. A decline in energy use has led to less greenhouse gas emissions.
B. Coal use fell about 14 percent in April compared to the same period last year.
C. Energy use has fallen in many countries
D. A mild winter has depressed demand for electricity.
【答案】C。根据首段 The numbers were similar in many countries around the world where energy use has fallen.可知选项 C:许多国家的能源消耗已经下降,表达正确。根据 Government officials say the United States is using less energy than it has in thirty years. …But a decline in U.S. and worldwide greenhouse gas emissions is expected.可知文中提到的是温室气体排放有望减少,选项 A:能源使用的减少已经导致了温室气体排放的减少,时态错误。根据第二段 energy usage dropped 14 percent during April compared to the same time a year earlier 可知是与
去年同期相比,四月份的能源使用量下降了 14%,而选项 B:煤炭使用量下降了约 14%,属于主体词缩小表达。选项 D:暖冬抑制了电力需求,文中并未有相关描述,属于无中生有。故本题正确答案选 C。
47. From the passage, we know that it is more difficult for ( ) to recover from the pandemic.
A. petroleum companies
B. coal companies
C. electricity producers
D. renewable energy companies
【答案】B。根据末段 Coal companies are expected to have more difficulty than petroleum producers in recovering from the coronavirus crisis.可知煤炭企业在从冠状病毒危机中恢复元气方面,预计将比石油企业面临更大的困难。选项 A:石油企业;选项 B:煤炭企业;选项C:电力生产商;选项 D:可再生能源公司。只有 B 项表达符合文意,故本题正确答案选 B。。
48. Which of the following has remained near record low? ( )
A. Coal use
B. Petroleum use
C. Oil exploration
D. Natural gas exploration
【答案】C。根据末段 Oil exploration has decreased for seven straight months as stockpiles of oil and petroleum products remain near record levels.可知随着石油和石油产品库存仍接近历史最高水平,石油勘探已连续 7 个月下降。库存的高纪录意味着开采的低记录,选项 C 表述正确。根据 Most coal produced in the U.S. is used to create electricity, but many electricity producers have switched to less costly natural gas and renewables; wind and solar.可推知煤炭发电在减少,但是不能推出煤炭使用是历史新低。天然气开采根据前文可知在增加,D 项描述错误。故本题正确答案选 C。
49. Which of the following has recovered from sharp declines? ( )
A. Coal use
B. Petroleum use
C. Oil exploration
D. Solar energy use
【答案】B。根据 Petroleum use fell to 14.7 million barrels a day in April, down almost a third compared to the same period last year. However, demand already has rebounded after stay-at-home orders ended and large parts of the economy started moving again.可知 4 月份,石油消耗量降至每日 1,470 万桶,较去年同期下降近三分之一。不过,在家庭订单结束、经济的大部分领域开始复苏后,需求已经出现反弹。以及通过 People appear to be returning to their old driving habits. Petroleum use in June was back up to 17.6 million barrels a day.可知人们似乎又回到了原来的驾驶习惯。6 月份石油消费量回升至每日 1,760 万桶。所以从骤降中复苏的是石油的使用。故本题正确答案选 B。
50. According to the passage, the usage of ( ) in the United States continues to increase.
A. gasoline
B. greenhouse gases
C. coal
D. natural gas
【答案】D。根据第二段 Not all forms of energy, however, have had decreases. Natural gas usage did not follow the trend and increased by 15 percent during April. Petroleum use fell to 14.7 million barrels a day in April, down almost a third compared to the same period last year.可知天然气是上升的趋势,石油使用下降。根据第三段 Petroleum use in June was back up to 17.6 million barrels a day. That number comes from the American Petroleum Institute 可知石油使用又上升了。并且提出了煤炭企业当前的艰难处境。所以选项中总体呈现上升趋势的只有天然气,故本题正确答案选 D。
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